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Hetafanfic - Just being your Friend - Chapter 4

By AliceIggyKirkland.
Disclaimer: this fan fiction uses some Hetalia characters, of Hidekaz Himaruya. It’s an AU and they have human names (given by their creator). Other characters are created by me, so, you must ask permission to use them.
CHAPTER 4

I followed them to Principal’s office  I was pretty curious about her. The other girls should know some things… Wow! I’m so shocked than I’m thinking about her.
- She is weird. A nerd. Period. - Said one.
- She has millions of comic books. - She was laughing.
- I think she is lesbian. - She was disrespectful.
- “She” was born with a weeny and “her” parents cut it off. - It could happen, but I have serious doubts about that theory.
As you could see, my initial investigation was a huge fail. Those girls had no idea about Amelia.
Later, a beautiful lady appeared. Brown hair, blue eyes, girlish face, thick body. I opened the door to her and she smiled nicely. After some seconds, I recognized someone through her: “Amelia’s mother”. When she was there, those bullies showed fear. Apparently, it wasn’t the first time they saw her…
- My baby isn’t the problem here. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? SHE IS MISTREATED BY THOSE BITCHES AND AMY IS GUILTY?!… IF SHE NEEDS TO FIGHT, LET HER DO IT!!! THEY MUST LEARN TO RESPECT EVERYONE. - Then, she opened the door. - Mel, let’s get out of here. - Amelia followed her mother, with her cap on her head.
I decided to go with them and Mrs. Jones noticed me.
- Kid, could I help you? - Then, Amelia took her mother’s hand.
- Mom, he is my classmate. He sits next to me.
- Yes, I’m Arthur Kirkland. - The lady stared me.
- Oh, nice to meet you. I’m Becky. Wanna join us? I’ll buy ice cream for Mely.
- Well, if you talk to my brother later. - She nodded.
Ok, we went out and Becky bought us ice cream. Amelia loves ice cream. They were asking me about my life, what I liked - Amelia laughed of me when I talked about magic -, about sports, comics (I was shocked than a older woman liked those stuff), and…
- Arthur, you seem to be popular with girls. Any girlfriend? - Becky asked.
I was conscious that question could appear on the conversation. Old ladies always asked that, but, it’s the first time I felt shy to answer.
- No, miss. I’m alone, for the moment.
- Sorry, Arthie, mom loves to gossip. - and Amelia smiled at me.
- Please, just call me Arthur.
I’m not gonna lie to you: I had a warm feeling when she said “Arthie”, but, I scared.
After that, Becky helped me with Alistair. He wasn’t too mad at me and he didn’t ground me for leave school with an unknown woman.
Later, in my bed, I was wondering how would be next day and…
- Will Amelia go to school tomorrow?
Now, I’m coming to school. When I enter to the classroom, Amelia is sat on her seat. Then, she smiles and stretches her hand, holding something.
- Good morning, Arthie!
- Good morning, and I’m Arthur, not “Arthie”.
- Oh, don’t be sore, Arthie… Anyways, these are some scones. Mom helped me to bake them.
Oh, crap!
- Thanks, Amelia…
- Call me Amy. Or Mel.
- Ok, Amy. I appreciate this so much.
It’s not the first time I receive food from a girl. It’s not the first time I’m nice with a girl. It’s the first time I have good intentions with someone.
- Now, I need a friend, a male friend. - Amelia looks confused.


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