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Hetafanfic - Just being your Friend - Chapter 6

By AliceIggyKirkland.

Disclaimer: this fan fiction uses some Hetalia characters, of Hidekaz Himaruya. It’s an AU and they have human names (given by their creator). Other characters are created by me, so, you must ask permission to use them.

馃搾馃搾馃搾馃搾CHAPTER 6馃搾馃搾馃搾馃搾 

馃摎馃摎馃摎馃摎FRIEND-ZONED LADIES MAN馃摎馃摎馃摎馃摎 

I am in love.

With Amelia.

And it’s not possible to have a relationship with her.

I know what you are thinking: “Did you ask her out? She reject you? Did you do anything really stupid? Isn’t she your friend anymore?”

All the answers are “No”.

I will explain you what happened this morning:

After two weeks going out with girls of my Math class, rumours were running in the school. In fact, I have chosen public places where school mates could see me to prove if Amelia would feel or say something about it.

But, her response was pretty disappointing…

- Here is the ladies man! - Amelia came to me, smirking and she hugged me to say hello.

- Do not call me that way. It’s embarrasing!

- Oh, c’mon!… You have several fans in school. Your fame is reaching all the school. I heard someone saying to postulate you as President for Student Council. Women love you.

- Alright.. - I was nervous, but… - So, what do you think?

- I dunno but if ya’k with dat… I’m a good friend and friends support their besties. You’re my best friend.

Did you see the fail of this?

Best friend.


What does it suppose I must do with that?

She put me in the Damn Friend Zone. I correct myself: BEST FRIEND ZONE.

- I’m so stupid!!!

I am in my bedroom right now, This is so bad…

- I know that! - It’s Alistair, bothering me from his room, next of mine.

I get up from my bed and went to Alistair’s room.

- Hey, arsehole, Amy is coming to study.

- Yes, study… - His sarcasm is not helping. - May I be there to see how she crashes you sensitive, corny heart, again?

- I’m just telling, git.

This is the price to have your older brother as tutor. Why can not he be a bloody angel?

Icing on the cake: Amelia and Alistair cannot be quite and quite as good friends. They despise each other.

Worst scenario ever.


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